Holy Week at Crossroads

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday
April 13th
Hosanna in the Highest! Holy Week begins by joining in the jubilant praise of Jesus as our King. Children will join in the worship service by walking around waving palm branches as we sing Hosanna. Be sure to check in your kids early so they can join in!
Passover Meal
April 17th | 6:00pm
On Maundy Thursday we gather for a very special family friendly, liturgical dinner in the Generations Center. This interactive meal is designed to walk us through the grand story of Redemption as we reflect on the night of Passover before Jesus was arrested. Please RSVP at the Connection Point.
Good Friday
April 18th | 6:00pm
On Good Friday we remember the night that Jesus was crucified. The service starts at 6:30pm. Come and join in song about the crucifixion as well as hear an engaging message. We will celebrate communion to finish the service.
Easter Morning
April 19th
Join us on Resurrection Sunday at 9am for fellowship, coffee and light refreshments. Then at 10am gather in the sanctuary for joyful singing and praise as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God!
During children's class time there will be Easter lessons as well as an Easter Egg Hunt.
Be sure to stop by the Photo Booth in the lobby to snag that memorable family picture.