Upcoming Events and Signups

Monthly Fellowship Feasts

Monthly Fellowship Feasts are back! These times of breaking bread together are central to what it means to be the church. All are invited and encouraged to bring a dish to share! Fellowship Feasts are usually on the first Sunday of the month, see dates below.

Fellowship Feast Dates:
Fall  — 10/6/24 • 11/3/24
Winter  —  12/1/24 • 1/5/25 • 2/2/25
Spring  —  3/2/25 • 4/6/25
Summer  — 5/4/25 • 6/1/25

Community Game Night

Mark your calendars and beat the winter gloom! All are invited to bring your favorite games for a community game night on January 26th from 3pm - 5pm. This will be an all ages event. Popcorn and basic refreshments will be provided and feel free to bring your own snacks! 

Mommyhood Social

This is a new ministry for moms with young children looking for connection with other moms and socialization of their kiddos. This group will meet the 2nd Monday of each month to enjoy adult company, kids interacting and light refreshments. Email or talk to Quiera Halstrom (quierahalstrom@gmail.com) if you have questions.

Baptism Class

If you're interested in being baptized or would like to learn more about it, there will be classes available for kids and adults on Wednesday, January 15 at 6pm in room 209 for children and 201 for adults. Sign-up at the Connection Point, use the link below or our app.

Click here to signup!